Source code for blockade.api

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Abstraction over the admin API."""
import json
import requests
from blockade.config import Config
from blockade.common.utils import get_logger

[docs]class Client(object): """Base client that all data sources will inherit from.""" DEFAULT_SERVER = '' TIMEOUT = 30 def __init__(self, email, api_key, server=DEFAULT_SERVER, http_proxy=None, https_proxy=None, verify=True, headers=None, debug=False): """Initial loading of the client. :param str email: Email of the blockade user :param str api_key: API key for the blockade user :param str server: Hostname for the API :param str http_proxy: HTTP proxy to use (optional) :param str https_proxy: HTTPS proxy to use (optional) """ self.logger = get_logger('blockade-request') if server.endswith('/'): server = server.rstrip('/') self.api_base = server if server[0:4].lower() != 'http': self.api_base = 'https://%s' % (server) = email self.api_key = api_key self.headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } self.proxies = {} if http_proxy: self.proxies['http'] = http_proxy if https_proxy: self.proxies['https'] = https_proxy if headers: self.headers.update(headers) self.verify = verify if '' in server: self.verify = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls): """Method to return back a loaded instance.""" config = Config() client = cls( email=config.get('email'), api_key=config.get('api_key'), server=config.get('api_server'), http_proxy=config.get('http_proxy'), https_proxy=config.get('https_proxy'), ) return client
[docs] def set_debug(self, status): """Control the logging state.""" if status: self.logger.setLevel('DEBUG') else: self.logger.setLevel('INFO')
[docs] def _endpoint(self, endpoint, action, *url_args): """Return the URL for the action. :param str endpoint: The controller :param str action: The action provided by the controller :param url_args: Additional endpoints(for endpoints that take part of the url as option) :return: Full URL for the requested action """ args = (self.api_base, endpoint, action) if action == '': args = (self.api_base, endpoint) api_url = "/".join(args) if url_args: if len(url_args) == 1: api_url += "/" + url_args[0] else: api_url += "/".join(url_args) return api_url
[docs] def _json(self, response): """JSON response from server. :param response: Response from the server :throws ValueError: from requests' response.json() error :return: response deserialized from JSON """ if response.status_code == 204: return None try: return response.json() except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( 'Exception: %s\n' 'request: %s, response code: %s, response: %s' % ( str(e), response.request.url, response.status_code, response.content, ) )
[docs] def _get(self, endpoint, action, *url_args, **url_params): """Request API Endpoint - for GET methods. :param str endpoint: Endpoint :param str action: Endpoint Action :param url_args: Additional endpoints(for endpoints that take part of the url as option) :param url_params: Parameters to pass to url, typically query string :return: response deserialized from JSON """ api_url = self._endpoint(endpoint, action, *url_args) kwargs = {'headers': self.headers, 'params': url_params, 'timeout': Client.TIMEOUT, 'verify': self.verify} if self.proxies: kwargs['proxies'] = self.proxies self.logger.debug("Requesting: %s, %s" % (api_url, str(kwargs))) response = requests.get(api_url, **kwargs) return self._json(response)
[docs] def _send_data(self, method, endpoint, action, data, *url_args, **url_params): """Submit to API Endpoint - for DELETE, PUT, POST methods. :param str method: Method to use for the request :param str endpoint: Endpoint :param str action: Endpoint Action :param url_args: Additional endpoints(for endpoints that take part of the url as option) :param url_params: Parameters to pass to url, typically query string :return: response deserialized from JSON """ api_url = self._endpoint(endpoint, action, *url_args) data.update({'email':, 'api_key': self.api_key}) data = json.dumps(data) kwargs = {'headers': self.headers, 'params': url_params, 'verify': self.verify, 'data': data} if self.proxies: kwargs['proxies'] = self.proxies self.logger.debug("Requesting: %s %s, %s" % (method, api_url, str(kwargs))) response = requests.request(method, api_url, **kwargs) self.logger.debug("Response: %d, %s" % (response.status_code, response.content)) return self._json(response)